Source code for ly.cli.command

# This file is part of python-ly,
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See for more information.

The commands that are available to the command line.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
import sys

import ly.docinfo
import ly.indent
import ly.pitch
import ly.reformat

class _command(object):
    """Base class for commands.

    If the __init__() fails with TypeError or ValueError, the command is
    considered invalid and an error message will be written to the console
    in the parse_command() function in

    By default, __init__() expects no arguments. If your command does accept
    arguments, they are provided in a single argument that you should parse

    def __init__(self):

    def run(self, opts, cursor, output):

    def get_absolute(opts, cursor):
        """Utility function to determine whether the first pitch in a relative should
        be regarded as absolute (LilyPond 2.18+ behaviour).
        if opts.rel_absolute is None:
            return ly.docinfo.DocInfo(cursor.document).version() >= (2, 18)
            return opts.rel_absolute

[docs]class set_variable(_command): """set a variable to a value""" def __init__(self, arg):, self.value = arg.split('=', 1)
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): opts.set_variable(, self.value)
class _info_command(_command): """base class for commands that print some output to stdout.""" def run(self, opts, cursor, output): info = ly.docinfo.DocInfo(cursor.document) text = self.get_info(info) if text: if opts.with_filename: text = cursor.document.filename + ":" + text sys.stdout.write(text + '\n') def get_info(self, info): """Should return the desired information from the docinfo object. If it returns None or an empty string, nothing is printed. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class mode(_info_command): """print mode to stdout"""
[docs] def get_info(self, info): return info.mode()
[docs]class version(_info_command): """print version to stdout"""
[docs] def get_info(self, info): return info.version_string()
[docs]class language(_info_command): """print language to stdout"""
[docs] def get_info(self, info): return info.language()
class _edit_command(_command): """a command that edits the source file""" pass
[docs]class indent(_edit_command): """run the indenter"""
[docs] def indenter(self, opts): """Get a ly.indent.Indenter initialized with our options.""" i = ly.indent.Indenter() i.indent_tabs = opts.indent_tabs i.indent_width = opts.indent_width return i
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): self.indenter(opts).indent(cursor)
[docs]class reformat(indent): """reformat the document"""
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): ly.reformat.reformat(cursor, self.indenter(opts))
[docs]class translate(_edit_command): """translate pitch names""" def __init__(self, language): if language not in ly.pitch.pitchInfo: raise ValueError() self.language = language
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): import ly.pitch.translate try: changed = ly.pitch.translate.translate(cursor, self.language, opts.default_language) except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: sys.stderr.write( "warning: transate: pitch names not available in \"{0}\"\n" " skipping file: {1}\n".format(self.language, cursor.document.filename)) return if not changed: version = ly.docinfo.DocInfo(cursor.document).version() ly.pitch.translate.insert_language(cursor.document, self.language, version)
[docs]class transpose(_edit_command): """transpose music""" def __init__(self, arg): result = [] for pitch, octave in re.findall(r"([a-z]+)([,']*)", arg): r = ly.pitch.pitchReader("nederlands")(pitch) if r: result.append(ly.pitch.Pitch(*r, octave=ly.pitch.octaveToNum(octave))) self.from_pitch, self.to_pitch = result
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): absolute = self.get_absolute(opts, cursor) import ly.pitch.transpose transposer = ly.pitch.transpose.Transposer(self.from_pitch, self.to_pitch) try: ly.pitch.transpose.transpose(cursor, transposer, opts.default_language, absolute) except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: language = ly.docinfo.DocInfo(cursor.document).language() or opts.default_language sys.stderr.write( "warning: transpose: pitch names not available in \"{0}\"\n" " skipping file: {1}\n".format(language, cursor.document.filename))
[docs]class rel2abs(_edit_command): """convert relative music to absolute"""
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): absolute = self.get_absolute(opts, cursor) import ly.pitch.rel2abs ly.pitch.rel2abs.rel2abs(cursor, opts.default_language, absolute)
[docs]class abs2rel(_edit_command): """convert absolute music to relative"""
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): absolute = self.get_absolute(opts, cursor) import ly.pitch.abs2rel ly.pitch.abs2rel.abs2rel(cursor, opts.default_language, opts.rel_startpitch, absolute)
[docs]class simplify_accidentals(_edit_command): """replace notes with accidentals as much as possible with their natural neighbors"""
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): absolute = self.get_absolute(opts, cursor) import ly.pitch.transpose transposer = ly.pitch.transpose.Simplifier() try: ly.pitch.transpose.transpose(cursor, transposer, opts.default_language, absolute) except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: language = ly.docinfo.DocInfo(cursor.document).language() or opts.default_language sys.stderr.write( "warning: simplify_accidentals: pitch names not available in \"{0}\"\n" " skipping file: {1}\n".format(language, cursor.document.filename))
class _export_command(_command): """Command that exports to a file.""" def __init__(self, output=None): self.output = output
[docs]class musicxml(_export_command):
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): absolute = self.get_absolute(opts, cursor) import ly.musicxml writer = ly.musicxml.writer() writer.parse_document(cursor.document, absolute) xml = writer.musicxml() if self.output: filename = self.output else: filename = output.get_filename(opts, cursor.document.filename) encoding = opts.output_encoding or "utf-8" with output.file(opts, filename, "binary") as f: xml.write(f, encoding)
[docs]class write(_command): """write the source file.""" def __init__(self, output=None): self.output = output
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): # determine the real output filename to use encoding = opts.output_encoding or opts.encoding if self.output: filename = self.output elif opts.in_place: if not cursor.document.modified and encoding == opts.encoding: return filename = cursor.document.filename else: filename = output.get_filename(opts, cursor.document.filename) with output.file(opts, filename, encoding) as f: f.write(cursor.document.plaintext())
[docs]class highlight(_export_command): """write syntax colored HTML."""
[docs] def run(self, opts, cursor, output): import ly.colorize w = ly.colorize.HtmlWriter() w.full_html = opts.full_html w.inline_style = opts.inline_style w.stylesheet_ref = opts.stylesheet w.number_lines = opts.number_lines w.title = cursor.document.filename w.encoding = opts.output_encoding or "utf-8" w.wrapper_tag = opts.wrapper_tag w.wrapper_attribute = opts.wrapper_attribute w.document_id = opts.document_id w.linenumbers_id = opts.linenumbers_id doc = w.html(cursor) if self.output: filename = self.output else: filename = output.get_filename(opts, cursor.document.filename) with output.file(opts, filename, w.encoding) as f: f.write(doc)
hl = highlight