Source code for ly.pitch.transpose

# This file is part of python-ly,
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Transposing music.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from fractions import Fraction

import ly.lex.lilypond

[docs]class Transposer(object): """Transpose pitches. Instantiate with a from- and to-Pitch, and optionally a scale. The scale is a list with the pitch height of the unaltered step (0 .. 6). The default scale is the normal scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B. """ scale = (0, 1, 2, Fraction(5, 2), Fraction(7, 2), Fraction(9, 2), Fraction(11, 2)) def __init__(self, fromPitch, toPitch, scale = None): if scale is not None: self.scale = scale # the number of octaves we need to transpose self.octave = toPitch.octave - fromPitch.octave # the number of base note steps (c->d == 1, e->f == 1, etc.) self.steps = toPitch.note - fromPitch.note # the number (fraction) of real whole steps self.alter = (self.scale[toPitch.note] + toPitch.alter - self.scale[fromPitch.note] - fromPitch.alter)
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch): doct, note = divmod(pitch.note + self.steps, 7) pitch.alter += self.alter - doct * 6 - self.scale[note] + self.scale[pitch.note] pitch.octave += self.octave + doct pitch.note = note # change the step if alterations fall outside -1 .. 1 while pitch.alter > 1: doct, note = divmod(pitch.note + 1, 7) pitch.alter -= doct * 6 + self.scale[note] - self.scale[pitch.note] pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note while pitch.alter < -1: doct, note = divmod(pitch.note - 1, 7) pitch.alter += doct * -6 + self.scale[pitch.note] - self.scale[note] pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note
[docs]class Simplifier(Transposer): """Make complicated accidentals simpler by substituting naturals where possible. """ def __init__(self, scale=None): if scale is not None: self.scale = scale
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch): if pitch.alter == 1: doct, note = divmod(pitch.note + 1, 7) pitch.alter -= doct * 6 + self.scale[note] - self.scale[pitch.note] pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note elif pitch.alter == -1: doct, note = divmod(pitch.note - 1, 7) pitch.alter += doct * -6 + self.scale[pitch.note] - self.scale[note] pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note if pitch.alter == Fraction(1, 2): doct, note = divmod(pitch.note + 1, 7) alter = doct * 6 + self.scale[note] - self.scale[pitch.note] if alter == Fraction(1, 2): pitch.alter = 0 pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note elif pitch.alter == Fraction(-1, 2): doct, note = divmod(pitch.note - 1, 7) alter = doct * -6 + self.scale[pitch.note] - self.scale[note] if alter == Fraction(1, 2): pitch.alter = 0 pitch.octave += doct pitch.note = note
[docs]class ModeShifter(Transposer): """ Shift pitches to optional mode/scale. The scale should be formatted in analogy to the scale in the Transposer parent class. The key should be an instance of ly.pitch.Pitch. """ def __init__(self, key, scale): """ Create scale of pitches from given scale definition. """ import math self.octave = 0 self.modpitches = [0] * 7 for s, a in scale: p = key.copy() self.steps = s self.alter = a super(ModeShifter, self).transpose(p) if self.modpitches[p.note]: self.modpitches[p.note].append(p) else: self.modpitches[p.note] = [p]
[docs] def closestPitch(self, pitch): """ Get closest pitch from scale. If only one scale note with the same base step exist that is returned. Otherwise the closest is calculated. """ def getNextPitch(step, up=True): modepitch = self.modpitches[step] if modepitch: return modepitch else: if up: step = (step + 1) % 7 else: step = (step - 1) % 7 return getNextPitch(step, up) def comparePitch(pitch, uppitch, dwnpitch): upnum = self.scale[uppitch.note] + uppitch.alter dwnnum = self.scale[dwnpitch.note] + dwnpitch.alter pnum = self.scale[pitch.note] + pitch.alter if upnum - pnum < pnum - dwnnum: return uppitch else: return dwnpitch step = pitch.note modepitch = self.modpitches[step] if modepitch and len(modepitch) == 2: return comparePitch(pitch, modepitch[0], modepitch[1]) else: uppitch = getNextPitch(step)[0] dwnpitch = getNextPitch(step, False)[-1] return comparePitch(pitch, uppitch, dwnpitch)
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch): """ Shift to closest scale pitch if not already in scale. """ modpitch = self.modpitches[pitch.note] if modpitch: for mp in modpitch: if pitch.note == mp.note and pitch.alter == mp.alter: return clp = self.closestPitch(pitch) self.steps = clp.note - pitch.note if self.steps > 3: self.octave = -1 elif self.steps < -3: self.octave = 1 else: self.octave = 0 self.alter = (self.scale[clp.note] + clp.alter - self.scale[pitch.note] - pitch.alter) super(ModeShifter, self).transpose(pitch)
[docs]class ModalTransposer(object): """Transpose pitches by number of steps within a given scale. Instantiate with the number of steps (+/-) in the scale to transpose by, and a mode index. The mode index is the index of the major scale in the circle of fifths (C Major = 0). """ def __init__(self, numSteps = 1, scaleIndex = 0): self.numSteps = numSteps self.notes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] self.alter = [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5] # Initialize to Db, then update to desired mode for i in range(0, scaleIndex): keyNameIndex = ((i+1)*4)%len(self.notes) accidentalIndex = (keyNameIndex-1)%len(self.notes) self.alter[accidentalIndex] += .5
[docs] @staticmethod def getKeyIndex(text): """Get the index of the key in the circle of fifths. 'Cb' returns 0, 'C' returns 7, 'B#' returns 14. """ circleOfFifths = ['Cb', 'Gb', 'Db', 'Ab', 'Eb', 'Bb', 'F', 'C', 'G', 'D', 'A', 'E', 'B', 'F#', 'C#'] return circleOfFifths.index(text.capitalize())
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch): # Look for an exact match: otherwise, # look for the letter name and save the accidental for i in range(len(self.notes)): if pitch.note == self.notes[i] and pitch.alter == self.alter: fromScaleDeg = i accidental = 0 break else: fromScaleDeg = self.notes.index(pitch.note) accidental = pitch.alter - self.alter[fromScaleDeg] toOctaveMod, toScaleDeg = divmod(fromScaleDeg + self.numSteps, 7) pitch.note = self.notes[toScaleDeg] pitch.alter = self.alter[toScaleDeg] + accidental pitch.octave += toOctaveMod
[docs]def transpose(cursor, transposer, language="nederlands", relative_first_pitch_absolute=False): """Transpose pitches using the specified transposer. If relative_first_pitch_absolute is True, the first pitch in a \\relative expression is considered to be absolute, when a startpitch is not given. This is LilyPond >= 2.18 behaviour. If relative_first_pitch_absolute is False, the first pitch in a \\relative expression is considered to be relative to c', is no startpitch is given. This is LilyPond < 2.18 behaviour. Currently, relative_first_pitch_absolute defaults to False. """ start = cursor.start cursor.start = 0 source = ly.document.Source(cursor, True, tokens_with_position=True) pitches = ly.pitch.PitchIterator(source, language) psource = pitches.pitches() class gen(object): def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while True: t = next(psource) if isinstance(t, (ly.lex.Space, ly.lex.Comment)): continue # Handle stuff that's the same in relative and absolute here if t == "\\relative": relative() elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.MarkupScore): absolute(context()) elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.ChordMode): chordmode() elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.Command) and t == '\\stringTuning': string_tuning() elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.PitchCommand): if t == "\\transposition": next(psource) # skip pitch elif t == "\\transpose": for p in getpitches(context()): transpose(p) elif t == "\\key": for p in getpitches(context()): transpose(p, 0) else: return t else: return t next = __next__ tsource = gen() def in_selection(p): """Return True if the pitch or token p may be replaced, i.e. was selected.""" return start == 0 or pitches.position(p) >= start def getpitches(iterable): """Consumes iterable but only yields Pitch instances.""" for p in iterable: if isinstance(p, ly.pitch.Pitch): yield p def context(): """Consume tokens till the level drops (we exit a construct).""" depth = source.state.depth() for t in tsource: yield t if source.state.depth() < depth: return def consume(): """Consume tokens from context() returning the last token, if any.""" t = None for t in context(): pass return t def transpose(p, resetOctave = None): """Transpose absolute pitch, using octave if given.""" transposer.transpose(p) if resetOctave is not None: p.octave = resetOctave if in_selection(p): pitches.write(p) def chordmode(): r"""Called inside \chordmode or \chords.""" for p in getpitches(context()): transpose(p, 0) def string_tuning(): r"""Called after \stringTuning. Ignores the following chord expression.""" for t in tsource: if isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.ChordStart): consume() break def absolute(tokens): r"""Called when outside a possible \relative environment.""" for p in getpitches(tokens): transpose(p) def relative(): r"""Called when \relative is encountered.""" def transposeRelative(p, lastPitch): """Transposes a relative pitch; returns the pitch in absolute form.""" # absolute pitch determined from untransposed pitch of lastPitch p.makeAbsolute(lastPitch) if not in_selection(p): return p # we may change this pitch. Make it relative against the # transposed lastPitch. try: last = lastPitch.transposed except AttributeError: last = lastPitch # transpose a copy and store that in the transposed # attribute of lastPitch. Next time that is used for # making the next pitch relative correctly. newLastPitch = p.copy() transposer.transpose(p) newLastPitch.transposed = p.copy() if p.octavecheck is not None: p.octavecheck = p.octave p.makeRelative(last) if relPitch: # we are allowed to change the pitch after the # \relative command. lastPitch contains this pitch. lastPitch.octave += p.octave p.octave = 0 pitches.write(lastPitch) del relPitch[:] pitches.write(p) return newLastPitch lastPitch = None relPitch = [] # we use a list so it can be changed from inside functions # find the pitch after the \relative command t = next(tsource) if isinstance(t, ly.pitch.Pitch): lastPitch = t if in_selection(t): relPitch.append(lastPitch) t = next(tsource) elif relative_first_pitch_absolute: lastPitch = ly.pitch.Pitch.f0() else: lastPitch = ly.pitch.Pitch.c1() while True: # eat stuff like \new Staff == "bla" \new Voice \notes etc. if isinstance(source.state.parser(), ly.lex.lilypond.ParseTranslator): t = consume() elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.NoteMode): t = next(tsource) else: break # now transpose the relative expression if t in ('{', '<<'): # Handle full music expression { ... } or << ... >> for t in context(): if t == '\\octaveCheck': for p in getpitches(context()): lastPitch = p.copy() del relPitch[:] if in_selection(p): transposer.transpose(p) lastPitch.transposed = p pitches.write(p) elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.ChordStart): chord = [lastPitch] for p in getpitches(context()): chord.append(transposeRelative(p, chord[-1])) lastPitch = chord[:2][-1] # same or first elif isinstance(t, ly.pitch.Pitch): lastPitch = transposeRelative(t, lastPitch) elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.ChordStart): # Handle just one chord for p in getpitches(context()): lastPitch = transposeRelative(p, lastPitch) elif isinstance(t, ly.pitch.Pitch): # Handle just one pitch transposeRelative(t, lastPitch) # Do it! with cursor.document as document: absolute(tsource)