Source code for ly.dom

# This file is part of python-ly,
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See for more information.

LilyPond DOM

(c) 2008-2011 Wilbert Berendsen
License: GPL.

A simple Document Object Model for LilyPond documents.

The purpose is to easily build a LilyPond document with good syntax,
not to fully understand all features LilyPond supports. (This DOM does
not enforce a legal LilyPond file.)

All elements of a LilyPond document inherit Node.

Note: elements keep a weak reference to their parent.


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import # prevent picking old stale from package

    string_types = basestring
except NameError:
    string_types = str

import fractions
import re

import ly.pitch
import ly.duration
from ly.node import WeakNode

[docs]class LyNode(WeakNode): """ Base class for LilyPond objects, based on Node, which takes care of the tree structure. """ ## # True if this element is single LilyPond atom, word, note, etc. # When it is the only element inside { }, the brackets can be removed. isAtom = False ## # The number of newlines this object wants before it. before = 0 ## # The number of newlines this object wants after it. after = 0
[docs] def ly(self, printer): """ Returns printable output for this object. Can ask printer for certain settings, e.g. pitch language etc. """ return ''
[docs] def concat(self, other): """ Returns a string with newlines to concat this node to another one. If zero newlines are requested, an empty string is returned. """ return '\n' * max(self.after, other.before)
## # Leaf and Container are the two base classes the rest of the LilyPond # element classes is based on. #
[docs]class Leaf(LyNode): """ A leaf node without children """ pass
[docs]class Container(LyNode): """ A node that concatenates its children on output """ ## # default character to concatenate children with defaultSpace = " " @property def before(self): if len(self): return self[0].before else: return 0 @property def after(self): if len(self): return self[-1].after else: return 0
[docs] def ly(self, printer): if len(self) == 0: return '' else: n = self[0] res = [] for m in self[1:]: res.append(n.concat(m) or self.defaultSpace) res.append( n = m return "".join(res)
## # Helper classes #
[docs]class Printer(object): """ Performs certain operations on behalf of a LyNode tree, like quoting strings or translating pitch names, etc. """ # You may change these primary_quote_left = '\u2018' primary_quote_right = '\u2019' secondary_quote_left = '\u201C' secondary_quote_right = '\u201D' def __init__(self): self.typographicalQuotes = True self.language = "nederlands" self.indentString = ' '
[docs] def quoteString(self, text): if self.typographicalQuotes: text = re.sub(r'"(.*?)"', self.primary_quote_left + r'\1' + self.primary_quote_right, text) text = re.sub(r"'(.*?)'", self.secondary_quote_left + r'\1' + self.secondary_quote_right, text) text = text.replace("'", '\u2018') # escape regular double quotes text = text.replace('"', '\\"') # quote the string return '"{0}"'.format(text)
[docs] def indentGen(self, node, startIndent = 0): """ A generator that walks on the output of the given node, and returns properly indented LilyPond code. """ d = startIndent for t in + [''] * node.after: if d and re.match(r'#?}|>|%}', t): d -= 1 yield self.indentString * d + t if'(\{|<|%{)$', t): d += 1
[docs] def indent(self, node): """ Return a formatted printout of node (and its children) """ return '\n'.join(self.indentGen(node))
[docs]class Reference(object): """ A simple object that keeps a name, to use as a (context) identifier. Set the name attribute to the name you want to display, and on all places in the document the name will show up. """ def __init__(self, name=""): = name def __format__(self, format_spec): return
[docs]class Named(object): r""" Mixin to print a \name before the contents of the container. format() is called on the attribute, so it may also be a Reference. """ name = ""
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return "\\{0} {1}".format(, super(Named, self).ly(printer))
[docs]class HandleVars(object): """ A powerful mixin class to facilitate handling unique variable assignments inside a Container more. E.g.: >>> h = Header() >>> h['composer'] = "Johann Sebastian Bach" creates a subnode (by default Assignment) with the name 'composer', and that node again gets an autogenerated subnode of type QuotedString (if the argument wasn't already a Node). """ childClass = None # To be filled in later
[docs] def ifbasestring(func): """ Ensure that the method is only called for basestring objects. Otherwise the same method from the super class is called. """ def newfunc(obj, name, *args): if isinstance(name, string_types): return func(obj, name, *args) else: f = getattr(super(HandleVars, obj), func.__name__) return f(name, *args) return newfunc
@ifbasestring def __getitem__(self, name): for node in self.find_children(self.childClass, 1): if == name: return node @ifbasestring def __setitem__(self, name, valueObj): if not isinstance(valueObj, LyNode): valueObj = self.importNode(valueObj) assignment = self[name] if assignment: assignment.setValue(valueObj) else: self.childClass(name, self, valueObj) @ifbasestring def __contains__(self, name): return bool(self[name]) @ifbasestring def __delitem__(self, name): h = self[name] if h: self.remove(h)
[docs] def importNode(self, obj): """ Try to interpret the object and transform it into a Node object of the right species. """ return QuotedString(obj)
[docs]class AddDuration(object): """ Mixin to add a duration (as child). """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): s = super(AddDuration, self).ly(printer) dur = self.find_child(Duration, 1) if dur: s += return s
[docs]class Block(Container): """ A vertical container type that puts everything on a new line. """ defaultSpace = "\n" before, after = 1, 1
[docs]class Document(Container): """ A container type that puts everything on a new line. To be used as a full LilyPond document. """ defaultSpace = "\n" after = 1
## # These classes correspond to real LilyPond data. #
[docs]class Text(Leaf): """ A leaf node with arbitrary text """ def __init__(self, text="", parent=None): super(Text, self).__init__(parent) self.text = text
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return self.text
[docs]class TextDur(AddDuration, Text): """ A text note with an optional duration as child. """ pass
[docs]class Line(Text): """ A text node that claims its own line. """ before, after = 1, 1
[docs]class Comment(Text): """ A LilyPond comment at the end of a line """ after = 1
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return re.compile('^', re.M).sub('% ', self.text)
[docs]class LineComment(Comment): """ A LilyPond comment that takes a full line """ before = 1
[docs]class BlockComment(Comment): """ A block comment between %{ and %} """ @property def before(self): return '\n' in self.text and 1 or 0 @property def after(self): return '\n' in self.text and 1 or 0
[docs] def ly(self, printer): text = self.text.replace('%}', '') f = "%{{\n{0}\n%}}" if '\n' in text else "%{{ {0} %}}" return f.format(text)
[docs]class QuotedString(Text): """ A string that is output inside double quotes. """ isAtom = True
[docs] def ly(self, printer): # we call format(), since self.text MIGHT be a Reference... return printer.quoteString(format(self.text))
[docs]class Newline(LyNode): """ A newline. """ after = 1
[docs]class BlankLine(Newline): """ A blank line. """ before = 1
[docs]class Scheme(Text): """ A Scheme expression, without the extra # prepended """ isAtom = True
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return '#' + self.text
[docs]class Version(Line): """ a LilyPond version instruction """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return r'\version "{0}"'.format(self.text)
[docs]class Include(Line): r""" a LilyPond \include statement """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return r'\include "{0}"'.format(self.text)
[docs]class Assignment(Container): """ A varname = value construct with it's value as its first child The name can be a string or a Reference object: so that everywhere where this varname is referenced, the name is the same. """ before, after = 1, 1 def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, valueObj=None): super(Assignment, self).__init__(parent) = name if valueObj: self.append(valueObj) # Convenience methods:
[docs] def setValue(self, obj): if len(self): self[0] = obj else: self.append(obj)
[docs] def value(self): if len(self): return self[0]
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return "{0} = {1}".format(, super(Assignment, self).ly(printer))
HandleVars.childClass = Assignment
[docs]class Identifier(Leaf): """ An identifier, prints as \\name. Name may be a string or a Reference object. """ isAtom = True def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None): super(Identifier, self).__init__(parent) = name
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return "\\{0}".format(
[docs]class Statement(Named, Container): """ Base class for statements with arguments. The statement is read in the name attribute, the arguments are the children. """ before = 0 # do not read property from container isAtom = True
[docs]class Command(Statement): """ Use this to create a LilyPond command supplying the name (or a Reference) when instantiating. """ def __init__(self, name, parent=None): super(Command, self).__init__(parent) = name
[docs]class Enclosed(Container): """ Encloses all children between brackets: { ... } If may_remove_brackets is True in subclasses, the brackets are removed if there is only one child and that child is an atom (i.e. a single LilyPond expression. """ may_remove_brackets = False pre, post = "{", "}" before, after = 0, 0 isAtom = True
[docs] def ly(self, printer): if len(self) == 0: return " ".join((self.pre, sup = super(Enclosed, self) text = if self.may_remove_brackets and len(self) == 1 and self[0].isAtom: return text elif sup.before or sup.after or '\n' in text: return "".join((self.pre, "\n" * max(sup.before, 1), text, "\n" * max(sup.after, 1), else: return " ".join((self.pre, text,
[docs]class Seq(Enclosed): """ An SequentialMusic expression between { } """ pre, post = "{", "}"
[docs]class Sim(Enclosed): """ An SimultaneousMusic expression between << >> """ pre, post = "<<", ">>"
[docs]class Seqr(Seq): may_remove_brackets = True
[docs]class Simr(Sim): may_remove_brackets = True
[docs]class SchemeLily(Enclosed): """ A LilyPond expression between #{ #} (inside scheme) """ pre, post = "#{", "#}"
[docs]class SchemeList(Enclosed): """ A list of items enclosed in parentheses """ pre, post = "(", ")"
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return self.pre +, printer) +
[docs]class StatementEnclosed(Named, Enclosed): """ Base class for LilyPond commands that have a single bracket-enclosed list of arguments. """ may_remove_brackets = True
[docs]class CommandEnclosed(StatementEnclosed): """ Use this to print LilyPond commands that have a single bracket-enclosed list of arguments. The command name is supplied to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, name, parent=None): super(CommandEnclosed, self).__init__(parent) = name
[docs]class Section(StatementEnclosed): """ Very much like a Statement. Use as base class for \\book { }, \\score { } etc. By default never removes the brackets and always starts on a new line. """ may_remove_brackets = False before, after = 1, 1
[docs]class Book(Section): name = 'book'
[docs]class BookPart(Section): name = 'bookpart'
[docs]class Score(Section): name = 'score'
[docs]class Paper(HandleVars, Section): name = 'paper'
[docs]class Layout(HandleVars, Section): name = 'layout'
[docs]class Midi(HandleVars, Section): name = 'midi'
[docs]class With(HandleVars, Section): """ If this item has no children, it prints nothing. """ name = 'with' before, after = 0, 0
[docs] def ly(self, printer): if len(self): return super(With, self).ly(printer) else: return ''
[docs]class ContextName(Text): """ Used to print a context name, like \\Score. """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return "\\" + self.text
[docs]class Context(HandleVars, Section): r""" A \context section for use inside Layout or Midi sections. """ name = 'context' def __init__(self, contextName="", parent=None): super(Context, self).__init__(parent) if contextName: ContextName(contextName, self)
[docs]class ContextType(Container): r""" \new or \context Staff = 'bla' \with { } << music >> A \with (With) element is added automatically as the first child as soon as you use our convenience methods that manipulate the variables in \with. If the \with element is empty, it does not print anything. You should add one other music object to this. """ before, after = 1, 1 isAtom = True ctype = None def __init__(self, cid=None, new=True, parent=None): super(ContextType, self).__init__(parent) = new self.cid = cid
[docs] def ly(self, printer): res = [] res.append( and "\\new" or "\\context") res.append(self.ctype or self.__class__.__name__) if self.cid: res.append("=") res.append(printer.quoteString(format(self.cid))) res.append(super(ContextType, self).ly(printer)) return " ".join(res)
[docs] def getWith(self): """ Gets the attached with clause. Creates it if not there. """ for node in self: if isinstance(node, With): return node self.insert(0, With()) return self[0]
[docs] def addInstrumentNameEngraverIfNecessary(self): """ Adds the Instrument_name_engraver to the node if it would need it to print instrument names. """ if not isinstance(self, (Staff, RhythmicStaff, PianoStaff, Lyrics, FretBoards)): Line('\\consists "Instrument_name_engraver"', self.getWith())
[docs]class ChoirStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class ChordNames(ContextType): pass
[docs]class CueVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class Devnull(ContextType): pass
[docs]class DrumStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class DrumVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class Dynamics(ContextType): pass
[docs]class FiguredBass(ContextType): pass
[docs]class FretBoards(ContextType): pass
[docs]class Global(ContextType): pass
[docs]class GrandStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class GregorianTranscriptionStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class GregorianTranscriptionVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class InnerChoirStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class InnerStaffGroup(ContextType): pass
[docs]class Lyrics(ContextType): pass
[docs]class MensuralStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class MensuralVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class NoteNames(ContextType): pass
[docs]class PianoStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class RhythmicStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class ScoreContext(ContextType): r""" Represents the Score context in LilyPond, but the name would collide with the Score class that represents \score { } constructs. Because the latter is used more often, use ScoreContext to get \new Score etc. """ ctype = 'Score'
[docs]class Staff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class StaffGroup(ContextType): pass
[docs]class TabStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class TabVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class VaticanaStaff(ContextType): pass
[docs]class VaticanaVoice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class Voice(ContextType): pass
[docs]class UserContext(ContextType): r""" Represents a context the user creates. e.g. \new MyStaff = cid << music >> """ def __init__(self, ctype, cid=None, new=True, parent=None): super(UserContext, self).__init__(cid, new, parent) self.ctype = ctype
[docs]class ContextProperty(Leaf): """ A or Context.layoutObject construct. Call e.g. ContextProperty('aDueText', 'Staff') to get 'Staff.aDueText'. """ def __init__(self, prop, context=None, parent=None): self.prop = prop self.context = context
[docs] def ly(self, printer): if self.context: # In \lyrics or \lyricmode: put spaces around dot. p = self.find_parent(InputMode) if p and isinstance(p, LyricMode): f = '{0} . {1}' else: f = '{0}.{1}' return f.format(self.context, self.prop) else: return self.prop
[docs]class InputMode(StatementEnclosed): """ The abstract base class for input modes such as lyricmode/lyrics, chordmode/chords etc. """ pass
[docs]class ChordMode(InputMode): name = 'chordmode'
[docs]class InputChords(ChordMode): name = 'chords'
[docs]class LyricMode(InputMode): name = 'lyricmode'
[docs]class InputLyrics(LyricMode): name = 'lyrics'
[docs]class NoteMode(InputMode): name = 'notemode'
[docs]class InputNotes(NoteMode): name = 'notes'
[docs]class FigureMode(InputMode): name = 'figuremode'
[docs]class InputFigures(FigureMode): name = 'figures'
[docs]class DrumMode(InputMode): name = 'drummode'
[docs]class InputDrums(DrumMode): name = 'drums'
[docs]class AddLyrics(InputLyrics): name = 'addlyrics' may_remove_brackets = False before, after = 1, 1
[docs]class LyricsTo(LyricMode): name = 'lyricsto' def __init__(self, cid, parent=None): super(LyricsTo, self).__init__(parent) self.cid = cid
[docs] def ly(self, printer): res = ["\\" +] res.append(printer.quoteString(format(self.cid))) res.append(, printer)) return " ".join(res)
[docs]class Pitch(Leaf): """ A pitch with octave, note, alter. octave is specified by an integer, zero for the octave containing middle C. note is a number from 0 to 6, with 0 corresponding to pitch C and 6 corresponding to pitch B. alter is the number of whole tones for alteration (can be int or Fraction) """ def __init__(self, octave=0, note=0, alter=0, parent=None): super(Pitch, self).__init__(parent) self.octave = octave self.note = note self.alter = fractions.Fraction(alter)
[docs] def ly(self, printer): """ Print the pitch in the preferred language. """ p = ly.pitch.pitchWriter(printer.language)(self.note, self.alter) if self.octave < -1: return p + ',' * (-self.octave - 1) elif self.octave > -1: return p + "'" * (self.octave + 1) return p
[docs]class Duration(Leaf): r""" A duration with duration (in logarithmic form): (-2 ... 8), where -2 = \longa, -1 = \breve, 0 = 1, 1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 8, 4 = 16, etc, dots (number of dots), factor (Fraction giving the scaling of the duration). """ def __init__(self, dur, dots=0, factor=1, parent=None): super(Duration, self).__init__(parent) self.dur = dur # log self.dots = dots self.factor = fractions.Fraction(factor)
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return ly.duration.tostring(self.dur, self.dots, self.factor)
[docs]class Chord(Container): """ A chord containing one of more Pitches and optionally one Duration. This is a bit of a hack, awaiting real music object support. """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): pitches = list(self.find_children(Pitch, 1)) if len(pitches) == 1: s = pitches[0].ly(printer) else: s = "<{0}>".format(' '.join( for p in pitches)) duration = self.find_child(Duration, 1) if duration: s += return s
[docs]class Relative(Statement): r""" \relative <pitch> music You should add a Pitch (optionally) and another music object, e.g. Sim or Seq, etc. """ name = 'relative'
[docs]class Transposition(Statement): r""" \transposition <pitch> You should add a Pitch. """ name = 'transposition'
[docs]class KeySignature(Leaf): r""" A key signature expression, like: \key c \major The pitch should be given in the arguments note and alter and is written out in the document's language. """ def __init__(self, note=0, alter=0, mode="major", parent=None): super(KeySignature, self).__init__(parent) self.note = note self.alter = fractions.Fraction(alter) self.mode = mode
[docs] def ly(self, printer): pitch = ly.pitch.pitchWriter(printer.language)(self.note, self.alter) return "\\key {0} \\{1}".format(pitch, self.mode)
[docs]class TimeSignature(Leaf): r""" A time signature, like: \time 4/4 """ def __init__(self, num, beat, parent=None): super(TimeSignature, self).__init__(parent) self.num = num self.beat = beat
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return "\\time {0}/{1}".format(self.num, self.beat)
[docs]class Partial(Named, Duration): r""" \partial <duration> You should add a Duration element """ name = "partial" before, after = 1, 1
[docs]class Tempo(Container): r""" A tempo setting, like: \tempo 4 = 100 May have a child markup or quoted string. """ before, after = 1, 1 def __init__(self, duration, value, parent=None): super(Tempo, self).__init__(parent) self.duration = duration self.value = value
[docs] def ly(self, printer): result = ['\\tempo'] if len(self) > 0: result.append(super(Tempo, self).ly(printer)) if self.value: result.append("{0}={1}".format(self.duration, self.value)) return ' '.join(result)
[docs]class Clef(Leaf): """ A clef. """ def __init__(self, clef, parent=None): super(Clef, self).__init__(parent) self.clef = clef
[docs] def ly(self, printer): clef = self.clef if self.clef.isalpha() else '"{0}"'.format(self.clef) return "\\clef " + clef
[docs]class VoiceSeparator(Leaf): r""" A Voice Separator: \\ """
[docs] def ly(self, printer): return r'\\'
[docs]class Mark(Statement): r""" The \mark command. """ name = 'mark'
[docs]class Markup(StatementEnclosed): r""" The \markup command. You can add many children, in that case Markup automatically prints { and } around them. """ name = 'markup'
[docs]class MarkupEnclosed(CommandEnclosed): """ A markup that auto-encloses all its arguments, like 'italic', 'bold' etc. You must supply the name. """ pass
[docs]class MarkupCommand(Command): """ A markup command with more or no arguments, that does not auto-enclose its arguments. Useful for commands like note-by-number or hspace. You must supply the name. Its arguments are its children. If one argument can be a markup list, use a Enclosed() construct for that. """ pass