Source code for ly.musicxml.lymus2musxml

# This file is part of python-ly,
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See for more information.

Using the tree structure from to initiate the conversion to MusicXML.

Uses functions similar to to iter through
the node tree. But information about where a node branch ends
is also added. During the iteration the information needed for the conversion
is captured.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function

import ly.document

from . import create_musicxml
from . import ly2xml_mediator
from . import xml_objs

#excluded from parsing
excl_list = ['Version', 'Midi', 'Layout']

# Defining contexts in relation to musicXML
group_contexts = ['StaffGroup', 'ChoirStaff']

pno_contexts = ['PianoStaff', 'GrandStaff']

staff_contexts = ['Staff', 'RhythmicStaff', 'TabStaff',
    'DrumStaff', 'VaticanaStaff', 'MensuralStaff']

part_contexts = pno_contexts + staff_contexts

[docs]class End(): """ Extra class that gives information about the end of Container elements in the node list. """ def __init__(self, node): self.node = node def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.node)
[docs]class ParseSource(): """ creates the XML-file from the source code according to the Music XML standard """ def __init__(self): self.musxml = create_musicxml.CreateMusicXML() self.mediator = ly2xml_mediator.Mediator() self.relative = False self.tuplet = [] self.scale = '' self.grace_seq = False self.trem_rep = 0 self.piano_staff = 0 self.numericTime = False self.voice_sep = False self.sims_and_seqs = [] self.override_dict = {} self.ottava = False self.with_contxt = None self.schm_assignm = None self.tempo = () self.tremolo = False self.tupl_span = False self.unset_tuplspan = False self.alt_mode = None self.rel_pitch_isset = False self.slurcount = 0 self.slurnr = 0 self.phrslurnr = 0
[docs] def parse_text(self, ly_text, filename=None): """Parse the LilyPond source specified as text. If you specify a filename, it can be used to resolve \\include commands correctly. """ doc = ly.document.Document(ly_text) doc.filename = filename self.parse_document(doc)
[docs] def parse_document(self, ly_doc, relative_first_pitch_absolute=False): """Parse the LilyPond source specified as a ly.document document. If relative_first_pitch_absolute is set to True, the first pitch in a \relative expression without startpitch is considered to be absolute (LilyPond 2.18+ behaviour). """ # The document is copied and the copy is converted to absolute mode to # facilitate the export. The original document is unchanged. doc = ly_doc.copy() import ly.pitch.rel2abs cursor = ly.document.Cursor(doc) ly.pitch.rel2abs.rel2abs(cursor, first_pitch_absolute=relative_first_pitch_absolute) mustree = self.parse_tree(mustree)
[docs] def parse_tree(self, mustree): """Parse the LilyPond source as a node tree.""" # print(mustree.dump()) header_nodes = self.iter_header(mustree) if header_nodes: self.parse_nodes(header_nodes) score = self.get_score(mustree) if score: mus_nodes = self.iter_score(score, mustree) else: mus_nodes = self.find_score_sub(mustree) self.mediator.new_section("fallback") #fallback/default section self.parse_nodes(mus_nodes)
[docs] def parse_nodes(self, nodes): """Work through all nodes by calling the function with the same name as the nodes class.""" if nodes: for m in nodes: # print(m) func_name = m.__class__.__name__ #get instance name if func_name not in excl_list: try: func_call = getattr(self, func_name) func_call(m) except AttributeError as ae: print("Warning:", func_name, "not implemented!") print(ae) pass else: print("Warning! Couldn't parse source!")
[docs] def musicxml(self, prettyprint=True): self.mediator.check_score() xml_objs.IterateXmlObjs( self.mediator.score, self.musxml, self.mediator.divisions) xml = self.musxml.musicxml(prettyprint) return xml
## # The different source types from are here sent to translation. ##
[docs] def Assignment(self, a): """ Variables should already have been substituted so this need only cover other types of assignments. """ if isinstance(a.value(), val = a.value().plaintext() elif isinstance(a.value(), val = a.value().value() elif isinstance(a.value(), val = a.value().get_string() if not val: self.schm_assignm = elif isinstance(a.value(), # Don't know what to do with this: return if self.look_behind(a, if self.with_contxt in group_contexts: self.mediator.set_by_property(, val, True) else: self.mediator.set_by_property(, val) else: self.mediator.new_header_assignment(, val)
[docs] def MusicList(self, musicList): if musicList.token == '<<': if self.look_ahead(musicList, self.mediator.new_snippet('sim-snip') self.voice_sep = True else: self.mediator.new_section('simultan') self.sims_and_seqs.append('sim') elif musicList.token == '{': self.sims_and_seqs.append('seq')
[docs] def Chord(self, chord): self.mediator.clear_chord()
[docs] def Q(self, q): self.mediator.copy_prev_chord(q.duration)
[docs] def Context(self, context): r""" \context """ self.in_context = True self.check_context(context.context(), context.context_id(), context.token)
[docs] def check_context(self, context, context_id=None, token=""): """Check context and do appropriate action (e.g. create new part).""" # Check first if part already exists if context_id: match = self.mediator.get_part_by_id(context_id) if match: self.mediator.new_part(to_part=match) return if context in pno_contexts: self.mediator.new_part(context_id, piano=True) self.piano_staff = 1 elif context in group_contexts: self.mediator.new_group() elif context in staff_contexts: if self.piano_staff: if self.piano_staff > 1: self.mediator.set_voicenr(nr=self.piano_staff+3) self.mediator.new_section('piano-staff'+str(self.piano_staff)) self.mediator.set_staffnr(self.piano_staff) self.piano_staff += 1 else: if token != '\\context' or self.mediator.part_not_empty(): self.mediator.new_part(context_id) self.mediator.add_staff_id(context_id) elif context == 'Voice': self.sims_and_seqs.append('voice') if context_id: self.mediator.new_section(context_id) else: self.mediator.new_section('voice') elif context == 'Devnull': self.mediator.new_section('devnull', True) else: print("Context not implemented:", context)
[docs] def VoiceSeparator(self, voice_sep): self.mediator.new_snippet('sim') self.mediator.set_voicenr(add=True)
[docs] def Change(self, change): r""" A \change music expression. Changes the staff number. """ if change.context() == 'Staff': self.mediator.set_staffnr(0, staff_id=change.context_id())
[docs] def PipeSymbol(self, barcheck): """ PipeSymbol = | """ self.mediator.new_bar()
[docs] def Clef(self, clef): r""" Clef \clef""" self.mediator.new_clef(clef.specifier())
[docs] def KeySignature(self, key): self.mediator.new_key(key.pitch().output(), key.mode())
[docs] def Relative(self, relative): r"""A \relative music expression.""" self.relative = True
[docs] def Note(self, note): """ notename, e.g. c, cis, a bes ... """ #print(note.token) if note.length(): if self.relative and not self.rel_pitch_isset: self.mediator.new_note(note, False) self.mediator.set_relative(note) self.rel_pitch_isset = True else: self.mediator.new_note(note, self.relative) self.check_note(note) else: if isinstance(note.parent(), self.mediator.set_relative(note) self.rel_pitch_isset = True elif isinstance(note.parent(), if self.mediator.current_chord: self.mediator.new_chord(note, chord_base=False) else: self.mediator.new_chord(note, note.parent().duration, self.relative) self.check_tuplet() # chord as grace note if self.grace_seq: self.mediator.new_chord_grace()
[docs] def Unpitched(self, unpitched): """A note without pitch, just a standalone duration.""" if unpitched.length(): if self.alt_mode == 'drum': self.mediator.new_iso_dura(unpitched, self.relative, True) else: self.mediator.new_iso_dura(unpitched, self.relative) self.check_note(unpitched)
[docs] def DrumNote(self, drumnote): """A note in DrumMode.""" if drumnote.length(): self.mediator.new_note(drumnote, is_unpitched=True) self.check_note(drumnote)
[docs] def check_note(self, note): """Generic check for all notes, both pitched and unpitched.""" self.check_tuplet() if self.grace_seq: self.mediator.new_grace() if self.trem_rep and not self.look_ahead(note, self.mediator.set_tremolo(trem_type='start', repeats=self.trem_rep)
[docs] def check_tuplet(self): """Generic tuplet check.""" if self.tuplet: tlevels = len(self.tuplet) nested = True if tlevels > 1 else False for td in self.tuplet: if nested: self.mediator.change_to_tuplet(td['fraction'], td['ttype'], td['nr'], td['length']) else: self.mediator.change_to_tuplet(td['fraction'], td['ttype'], td['nr']) td['ttype'] = "" self.mediator.check_divs()
[docs] def Duration(self, duration): """A written duration""" if self.tempo: self.mediator.new_tempo(duration.token, duration.tokens, *self.tempo) self.tempo = () elif self.tremolo: self.mediator.set_tremolo(duration=int(duration.token)) self.tremolo = False elif self.tupl_span: self.mediator.set_tuplspan_dur(duration.token, duration.tokens) self.tupl_span = False else: self.mediator.new_duration_token(duration.token, duration.tokens) if self.trem_rep: self.mediator.set_tremolo(trem_type='start', repeats=self.trem_rep)
[docs] def Tempo(self, tempo): """ Tempo direction, e g '4 = 80' """ if self.look_ahead(tempo, self.tempo = (tempo.tempo(), tempo.text()) else: self.mediator.new_tempo(0, (), tempo.tempo(), tempo.text())
[docs] def Tie(self, tie): """ tie ~ """ self.mediator.tie_to_next()
[docs] def Rest(self, rest): r""" rest, r or R. Note: NOT by command, i.e. \rest """ if rest.token == 'R': self.scale = 'R' self.mediator.new_rest(rest)
[docs] def Skip(self, skip): r""" invisible rest/spacer rest (s or command \skip)""" if 'lyrics' in self.sims_and_seqs: self.mediator.new_lyrics_item(skip.token) else: self.mediator.new_rest(skip)
[docs] def Scaler(self, scaler): r""" \times \tuplet \scaleDurations """ if scaler.token == '\\scaleDurations': ttype = "" fraction = (scaler.denominator, scaler.numerator) elif scaler.token == '\\times': ttype = "start" fraction = (scaler.denominator, scaler.numerator) elif scaler.token == '\\tuplet': ttype = "start" fraction = (scaler.numerator, scaler.denominator) nr = len(self.tuplet) + 1 self.tuplet.append({'set': False, 'fraction': fraction, 'ttype': ttype, 'length': scaler.length(), 'nr': nr}) if self.look_ahead(scaler, self.tupl_span = True self.unset_tuplspan = True
[docs] def Number(self, number): pass
[docs] def Articulation(self, art): """An articulation, fingering, string number, or other symbol.""" self.mediator.new_articulation(art.token)
[docs] def Postfix(self, postfix): pass
[docs] def Beam(self, beam): pass
[docs] def Slur(self, slur): """ Slur, '(' = start, ')' = stop. """ if slur.token == '(': self.slurcount += 1 self.slurnr = self.slurcount self.mediator.set_slur(self.slurnr, "start") elif slur.token == ')': self.mediator.set_slur(self.slurnr, "stop") self.slurcount -= 1
[docs] def PhrasingSlur(self, phrslur): r"""A \( or \).""" if phrslur.token == '\(': self.slurcount += 1 self.phrslurnr = self.slurcount self.mediator.set_slur(self.phrslurnr, "start") elif phrslur.token == '\)': self.mediator.set_slur(self.phrslurnr, "stop") self.slurcount -= 1
[docs] def Dynamic(self, dynamic): """Any dynamic symbol.""" self.mediator.new_dynamics(dynamic.token[1:])
[docs] def Grace(self, grace): self.grace_seq = True
[docs] def TimeSignature(self, timeSign): self.mediator.new_time(timeSign.numerator(), timeSign.fraction(), self.numericTime)
[docs] def Repeat(self, repeat): if repeat.specifier() == 'volta': self.mediator.new_repeat('forward') elif repeat.specifier() == 'tremolo': self.trem_rep = repeat.repeat_count()
[docs] def Tremolo(self, tremolo): """A tremolo item ":".""" if self.look_ahead(tremolo, self.tremolo = True else: self.mediator.set_tremolo()
[docs] def With(self, cont_with): r"""A \with ... construct.""" self.with_contxt = cont_with.parent().context()
[docs] def Set(self, cont_set): r"""A \set command.""" if isinstance(cont_set.value(), if == 'tupletSpannerDuration': moment = cont_set.value().get_ly_make_moment() if moment: self.mediator.set_tuplspan_dur(fraction=moment) else: self.mediator.unset_tuplspan_dur() return val = cont_set.value().get_string() else: val = cont_set.value().value() if cont_set.context() in part_contexts: self.mediator.set_by_property(, val) elif cont_set.context() in group_contexts: self.mediator.set_by_property(, val, group=True)
[docs] def Command(self, command): r""" \bar, \rest etc """ excls = ['\\major', '\\minor', '\\bar'] if command.token == '\\rest': self.mediator.note2rest() elif command.token == '\\numericTimeSignature': self.numericTime = True elif command.token == '\\defaultTimeSignature': self.numericTime = False elif command.token.find('voice') == 1: self.mediator.set_voicenr(command.token[1:], piano=self.piano_staff) elif command.token == '\\glissando': try: self.mediator.new_gliss(self.override_dict[""]) except KeyError: self.mediator.new_gliss() elif command.token == '\\startTrillSpan': self.mediator.new_trill_spanner() elif command.token == '\\stopTrillSpan': self.mediator.new_trill_spanner("stop") elif command.token == '\\ottava': self.ottava = True elif command.token == '\\default': if self.tupl_span: self.mediator.unset_tuplspan_dur() self.tupl_span = False else: if command.token not in excls: print("Unknown command:", command.token)
[docs] def UserCommand(self, usercommand): """Music variables are substituted so this must be something else.""" if == 'tupletSpan': self.tupl_span = True
[docs] def String(self, string): prev = self.get_previous_node(string) if prev and prev.token == '\\bar': self.mediator.create_barline(string.value())
[docs] def LyricsTo(self, lyrics_to): r"""A \lyricsto expression. """ self.mediator.new_lyric_section('lyricsto'+lyrics_to.context_id(), lyrics_to.context_id()) self.sims_and_seqs.append('lyrics')
[docs] def LyricText(self, lyrics_text): """A lyric text (word, markup or string), with a Duration.""" self.mediator.new_lyrics_text(lyrics_text.token)
[docs] def LyricItem(self, lyrics_item): """Another lyric item (skip, extender, hyphen or tie).""" self.mediator.new_lyrics_item(lyrics_item.token)
[docs] def NoteMode(self, notemode): r"""A \notemode or \notes expression.""" self.alt_mode = 'note'
[docs] def ChordMode(self, chordmode): r"""A \chordmode or \chords expression.""" self.alt_mode = 'chord'
[docs] def DrumMode(self, drummode): r"""A \drummode or \drums expression. If the shorthand form \drums is found, DrumStaff is implicit. """ if drummode.token == '\\drums': self.check_context('DrumStaff') self.alt_mode = 'drum'
[docs] def FigureMode(self, figmode): r"""A \figuremode or \figures expression.""" self.alt_mode = 'figure'
[docs] def LyricMode(self, lyricmode): r"""A \lyricmode, \lyrics or \addlyrics expression.""" self.alt_mode = 'lyric'
[docs] def Override(self, override): r"""An \override command.""" self.override_key = ''
[docs] def PathItem(self, item): r"""An item in the path of an \override or \revert command.""" self.override_key += item.token
[docs] def Scheme(self, scheme): """A Scheme expression inside LilyPond.""" pass
[docs] def SchemeItem(self, item): """Any scheme token.""" if self.ottava: self.mediator.new_ottava(item.token) self.ottava = False elif self.look_behind(item, self.override_dict[self.override_key] = item.token elif self.schm_assignm: self.mediator.set_by_property(self.schm_assignm, item.token) else: print("SchemeItem not implemented:", item.token)
[docs] def SchemeQuote(self, quote): """A ' in scheme.""" pass
[docs] def End(self, end): if isinstance(end.node, if self.unset_tuplspan: self.mediator.unset_tuplspan_dur() self.unset_tuplspan = False if end.node.token != '\\scaleDurations': self.mediator.change_tuplet_type(len(self.tuplet) - 1, "stop") self.tuplet.pop() self.fraction = None elif isinstance(end.node, #Grace self.grace_seq = False elif end.node.token == '\\repeat': if end.node.specifier() == 'volta': self.mediator.new_repeat('backward') elif end.node.specifier() == 'tremolo': if self.look_ahead(end.node, self.mediator.set_tremolo(trem_type="stop") else: self.mediator.set_tremolo(trem_type="single") self.trem_rep = 0 elif isinstance(end.node, self.in_context = False if end.node.context() == 'Voice': self.mediator.check_voices() self.sims_and_seqs.pop() elif end.node.context() in group_contexts: self.mediator.close_group() elif end.node.context() in staff_contexts: if not self.piano_staff: self.mediator.check_part() elif end.node.context() in pno_contexts: self.mediator.check_voices() self.mediator.check_part() self.piano_staff = 0 self.mediator.set_voicenr(nr=1) elif end.node.context() == 'Devnull': self.mediator.check_voices() elif end.node.token == '<<': if self.voice_sep: self.mediator.check_voices_by_nr() self.mediator.revert_voicenr() self.voice_sep = False elif not self.piano_staff: self.mediator.check_simultan() if self.sims_and_seqs: self.sims_and_seqs.pop() elif end.node.token == '{': if self.sims_and_seqs: self.sims_and_seqs.pop() elif end.node.token == '<': #chord self.mediator.chord_end() elif end.node.token == '\\lyricsto': self.mediator.check_lyrics(end.node.context_id()) self.sims_and_seqs.pop() elif end.node.token == '\\with': self.with_contxt = None elif end.node.token == '\\drums': self.mediator.check_part() elif isinstance(end.node, self.relative = False self.rel_pitch_isset = False else: # print("end:", end.node.token) pass
## # Additional node manipulation ##
[docs] def get_previous_node(self, node): """ Returns the nodes previous node or false if the node is first in its branch. """ parent = node.parent() i = parent.index(node) if i > 0: return parent[i-1] else: return False
[docs] def simple_node_gen(self, node): """Unlike iter_score are the subnodes yielded without substitution.""" for n in node: yield n for s in self.simple_node_gen(n): yield s
[docs] def iter_header(self, tree): """Iter only over header nodes.""" for t in tree: if isinstance(t, return self.simple_node_gen(t)
[docs] def get_score(self, node): """ Returns (first) Score node or false if no Score is found. """ for n in node: if isinstance(n, or isinstance(n, return n return False
[docs] def iter_score(self, scorenode, doc): r""" Iter over score. Similarly to items.Document.iter_music user commands are substituted. Furthermore \repeat unfold expressions are unfolded. """ for s in scorenode: if isinstance(s, and s.specifier() == 'unfold': for u in self.unfold_repeat(s, s.repeat_count(), doc): yield u else: n = doc.substitute_for_node(s) or s yield n for c in self.iter_score(n, doc): yield c if isinstance(s, yield End(s)
[docs] def unfold_repeat(self, repeat_node, repeat_count, doc): r""" Iter over node which represent a \repeat unfold expression and do the unfolding directly. """ for r in range(repeat_count): for n in repeat_node: for c in self.iter_score(n, doc): yield c
[docs] def find_score_sub(self, doc): """Find substitute for scorenode. Takes first music node that isn't an assignment.""" for n in doc: if not isinstance(n, if isinstance(n, return self.iter_score(n, doc)
[docs] def look_ahead(self, node, find_node): """Looks ahead in a container node and returns True if the search is successful.""" for n in node: if isinstance(n, find_node): return True return False
[docs] def look_behind(self, node, find_node): """Looks behind on the parent node(s) and returns True if the search is successful.""" parent = node.parent() if parent: if isinstance(parent, find_node): ret = True else: ret = self.look_behind(parent, find_node) return ret else: return False
## # Other functions ##
[docs] def gen_med_caller(self, func_name, *args): """Call any function in the mediator object.""" func_call = getattr(self.mediator, func_name) func_call(*args)